Friday, 6 December 2019


It is led by Benzooloo. Just look at Odd Future. Most hip hop artistes worth their salt have a crew to back them up. Crews are an essential part of the hip hop experience. We list a few essential ones to get you started. Here are some local crews you have to check out. Delegate SP to this public bot and get paid daily: lawalah familia

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Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. The crew has a Borneo affiliate called Lawalah Borneo. Hope the beat can make you dance. But do you know the main crews that rock the scene in these parts?

The 6 Malaysian Hip Hop Crews You Need To Know

This post has been randomly Resteemed! With two mixtapes and familiia host of releases by artists under their label Kelawar Records, the group has enough walk to match their talk. The Bat Cave is also a part of Rogue Squadron, hence the massive size of the collective.

lawalah familia

Most hip hop artistes worth their salt have a crew to back them up. The member that represent Lawalah Familia is: Here are some local crews you have to check out.

To support the growth of TeamMalaysia Follow our upvotes by using steemauto. Just like this song that I share, the lyric and beat just on the point and me personally keep repeating it all the time. The collective cites Wu Tang and Jurassic 5 as inspirations. It is led by Benzooloo.

Thank you scuzzy for fqmilia by.

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These guys have big dreams and big hearts. Kartel Records also has extensions in music publishing, music advertising, TV shows… everything familiia the kitchen sink.

Fronted by the likes of Karmal, SonaOne, Hunny Madu and many more, the collective was alwalah in and has since gone regional, with members hailing from Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka.

A solid crew can really move and shake the scene.

lawalah familia

Crews are an essential part of the hip hop experience. Delegate SP to this public bot and get paid daily: A lot of the affiliate's work such as this can be found on Youtube. For a chance to get more of your content resteemed join the Steem Engine Team.

lawalah familia

The crew is putting the finishing touches to an album titled, Rogue State Vol. The collective consists of artists such as W. Ya, I love this song too.

Trending Trending Votes Age Reputation. Get the best stories delivered straight to your inbox with the Red Bull Newsletter. Privacy Policy Terms of Service. The Mixology collective is built around its label of the same name. S, Iwere and of course Fuzz himself. Just look at Odd Future.

That was dope, it's cool fwmilia hip-hop in other languages! Although it is Malay lyrics, but I believe fwmilia is no boundaries, the beat itself can already claim it is one of the best beat to listen.

Their mixtape Ramai Lagi Lawa has garnered plenty of cred and traction among local hip-hop connoisseurs. Rogue Squadron boasts a wide span, with their collective featuring not just MCs and beat makers but also writers, graphic designers and photographers.

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