Monday, 9 December 2019


I won't go into a lot of detail right now. It has been a very intense half-year. And yet, it's come to this. To all the fans and staff who have constantly supported us. Sections of this page. I Think , today is really a sad day for the fans of Plunklock all over the world. plunklock world is mine

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I'm sorry we selfishly made this decision. Let's give it our all until October 10! I love this song a lot! There are things I want to do and challenges I want to take, but a "band" is not something that any one person can operate according to one's own will. I won't go into a lot of detail right now. That's why I can't give a "this is the main reason we decided to go on hiatus" explanation. Moroccan fans of Plunklock updated their plunklovk photo. A band is fragile.

plunklock world is mine

Wich was your first song of them? It was the last release before Kazuki the ex guitarist before Seishou deparated. Moroccan fans of Plunklock on Facebook.

Email wogld Phone Password Forgot account? Tickets and concert details: And I Really liked it since the first time i listened to itbecause of Haro Catchy's voicethe awesome bass-play and guitar-play of Haruka and Kazukipkunklock the great potentiel of Pinky!

Before we are musicians, we are humans. It has been a very intense half-year. The time we have in this life is limited, after all. Where we draw the line, we are one great compilation of all the things we have experienced, both fun and painful. I really love this songand especially the the sentence " World is mineI just bilieve in ".

Lyrics World is mine by PLUNKLOCK (romaji) from album - World is mine | JpopAsia

Until the very last note of our show on October 10, we will continue to play PLUNKLOCK's own style of music that will resound in your heart, so please continue to support us until the end.

And yet, it's come to this. Moroccan fans of Plunklock added 4 owrld photos to the album: I really appreciate the acoustic guitarand Halo's voice is Twitter de Seishou guitariste de session: Sections of this page. From the 2te Single Breakout.

PLUNKLOCK / World is mine. [Type-P with DVD]

This was the decision reached by all of the members. Moroccan wirld of Plunklock shared a post. Even when uncertainty bound our feet in place, with the support of our fans, we moved forward, worried, and struggled together to come this far. I'm grateful to everyone who has been a part of my time here. To everyone who saw us perform in Europe, everyone who traveled all the way to Japan to watch us perform, and everyone who couldn't make it to shows but listened to our CDs and sent us supportive plunklok, I truly thank you.

Differences began to emerge among the members regarding the intended direction of the band's musical activities, and after many meetings and discussions, this was the ultimate decision. I hope to see you again, someday, somewhere.

plunklock world is mine

Please continue to support us as always through October And humans go through their lives thinking and worrying about many things.

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