Monday, 16 December 2019


Vacation Star Minangkabau Song - Elvia click "skip" on the right corner to download the file. Saturday, August 18, Jalur Race. Bengkulu - Andun Dance. Wednesday, September 5, Wartawan Beach. Leper Canoe is quite unique because it has two functions that can be used in rivers and can also slide in the mud. Minangkabau Song - Vanny Vabiola. Monday, July 30, Pelalawan Kingdom Heritage. jhon kinawa sapayuang

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jhon kinawa sapayuang

Tuesday, August 28, Pawan Hot Spring. Minangkabau Song - Febian. Posted by ndr at 1: Posted by ndr at 2: Around overgrown pristine woods. Bengkulu CityBengkulu Dance. Perhaps according to story, the lake is no exhaust jhonn is similar to "pot". Vacation Star Bengkulu Dance 1. Bukit Tiga Puluh National Park.

Posted by ndr at 6: Sunday, August 19, Koto Sentajo Village. Wherein when the tide go up a river, the river water will be wavy, big waves. Vacation Star Kejei Dance 1. It is said that this kingdom has ties to a Kingdom in Pasaman, West Sumatra.

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Bengkulu - Tabot Dance. Vacation Star Menumbai Menumbai is the activity taking honey bees in the beehive tree.

The ceremony was interpreted as warnings or recalls man was originally created from the soil and it will return to the earth. Vacation Star Ades Sadewa - Marantau 2 click "skip" on the right corner to download the file. Beehive tree is a tall tree and is often used by wild bees to nest. Minangkabau Song - Sapayyang Gampo. Vacation Star Kejei Dance 3. Bengkulu - Persembahan Dance.

jhon kinawa sapayuang

Tuesday, August 14, Tanjung Putus Lake. Vacation Hjon Yelse - Sapasukuan click "skip" on the right corner to download the file. Friday, August 24, Siak Royal Palace. Posted by ndr at 9: Bengkulu - Andun Dance.

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Mengambik Tanah - watch now. Minangkabau - West Sumatera Song. Vacation Star Renima - Sansai Bacinto click "skip" on the right corner to download the file.

Sunday, August 26, Koto Tinggi Tomb. Saturday, August 18, Jalur Race.

jhon kinawa sapayuang

Vacation Star Kato Ship Kato Ship is a steamer with coal fuel owned by the Sultan sapsyuang Siak and always thrown off during his visit to the affected territory. Friday, August 31, Duta Wisata Beach. Jhon Kinawa - Sapayuang. Andun Dance is performed by male and female in pairs at night accompanied by kolintang music.

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