Saturday, 14 December 2019


Enterprises with many mobile apps need to get the native apps out to all the enterprise users regardless of what kind of device the users have, need to manage who gets what apps, and need to update the apps for those users. The pop-up window title changes to Upload Build Sources. The default look and feel of the RhoGallery mobile app is quite plain but it definitely gets the job of distributing your apps through your galleries done. Consumers can use the RhoGallery mobile app to receive your app from your RhoHub gallery, and install it on their mobile device. Then check the checkbox for the group that you are adding to your gallery. Connecting to a RhoHub Gallery from Your Mobile Device When you open the RhoGallery app on your mobile device, you enter the name of the RhoHub gallery to which you wish to connect, and your username and password. rhogallery

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Then click the Save button. Once you have installed an app from a RhoHub gallery, you can run it. This tutorial assumes that you have an account on rhomobile.

Connecting to a RhoHub Gallery from Your Mobile Device When you open the RhoGallery app on your mobile device, you enter the name of the RhoHub gallery to which you wish to connect, and your username and password. Once you have forked the repo, you can customize the app and rhogzllery build it using the instructions in the README and then upload your build to your RhoGallery account on rhomobile. Here is an example of a gallery with a RhoHub app and a remote app.

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The consumers then launch the RhoGallery app on their mobile device, and it will contain all the apps on RhoGallery for their company and job. It also shows how to install RhoGallery, which is the mobile app that consumers use to connect to a RhoHub gallery. For Local Build, click the Select Files button, then navigate to and select the files for your application on your local computer to be uploaded to your RhoHub gallery. This is discussed later in this tutorial. General Tab Under the General tab for Look and Feel, you can adjust the size, weight, style, rhoggallery, and font color of the Toolbar Title text.

Select Builds, select the type of build. This is the same process you would use when you add a consumer from the Gallery section. You now have an app rhogaller your RhoHub gallery. In the Add new Group pop-up window, enter the name for your group, then click Create Group.

Rho gallery introduction :: Akive

The default look and feel of the RhoGallery mobile app is quite plain but it definitely gets the job of distributing your apps through your galleries done.

And they will be able to organize and launch their enterprise apps from RhoGallery.


When you invite someone to One of your RhoGalleries, they will receive a link that will direct them to a page where they can download your specific build s of the RhoGallery mobile app.

Before you can send your applications to consumers, you need to have a RhoHub gallery for your applications and consumers. This is under the Galleries tab in RHoGallery. Securing Smartphones rbogallery the Mobile Enterprise. Frameworks such as Rhodes make it easy for developers to build native apps for all smartphones.

The pop-up window rhkgallery changes to Upload Build Sources. If you want to switch to another RhoGallery account, click the Edit button. Optionally, you can enter a description for your gallery, and choose an icon for that gallery. A single click on the link will automatically install the applications rhogalllery the user's mobile device. Within the organization s of which I am a member, I can select any of the galleries that I was invited to.

RhoHub Gallery and RhoGallery Tutorial

The consumers then launch the RhoGallery app on their mobile device, and it will contain all the apps on RhoGallery for their company and job.

Consumers can use the RhoGallery mobile app to receive your app from your RhoHub gallery, and install it on their mobile device.

For an iPhone app on a local build, you need to create a. These apps can be Rhodes apps or third party apps. For your RhoGallery users to access your custom landing pages, you must build and publish them.

Remote Build For Remote Build, enter the link to the application file. Rhogalery Apps Under the My Apps tab for Look and Feel, as with the General tab, you can adjust the size, weight, style, family, and font color of the Name, Version, and Description text for your RhoHub apps displayed in the app list for the RhoGallery mobile app.


Look for this section in the.

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